Life is Strange: Remastered Collection vuelve a retrasarse en Switch

Square Enix has announced that the version for Nintendo Switch of Life is Strange: Remastered Collection has returned to suffer a delay, although in the rest of the platform it keeps its initial date: the next February 1 at PC , Xbox One , Xbox Series X and S , PlayStation 4 , PlayStation 5 and Google Stadia .

In the company's statement, published through the Twitter account, they indicate that this small delay is because the version of the hybrid needs a little more time until it is ready, and this edition will come out Later during this year ». It has already passed the same with the version, also of switch, of life is strange: true colors , when they announced about the horn that would come later than the rest until it was confirmed its departure on December 7, although its Physical Edition is still to come: It will be available as of February 25.

This is not the first delay suffered by this Remastered Collection developed by deck Nine ; It was in the month of August, one month before his previous release date, when they decided to postpone the title on all his platforms by the old trusted the continuous challenges of world pandemic.

Three This remastery, remember, includes the first delivery of Life Is Strange and its prequeline of Deck Nine itself, BEFORE THE STORM , both with an updated visual section. In addition to being purchased separately, both remastered editions will also be available for those who acquired the Ultimate Edition of the last series title, Life is Strange: TRUE Colors.

Life is Strange: Remastered Collection will come out next February 1 for Xbox One , Xbox Series X and S , PS4 , PS5 , PC and Google Stadia . The version of Nintendo Switch will arrive later, at some point in 2022.


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