Kingdom Hearts 4 announced, first gameplay

With the big anniversary event last weekend, Square Enix has surprisingly announced the action role-playing game Kingdom Hearts 4 . The latest game of the meanwhile 20-year-old series is therefore in the development, there are even first scenes with gameplay in a trailer to see.

We know that about Kingdom Hearts 4

Too many details has not revealed Square Enix to the new action roleplay. But some information we can still offer you. Thus, Kingdom Hearts 4 is to represent the prelude of the new "Lost Master" -Storybogen , in which it takes the hero sora into the modern metropolis named square point . There seems to look a much more realistic look as in the previous games of the series. In the trailer published for the event, there are first scenes from Kingdom Hearts 4 to see. Accordingly, there are probably again Disney figures such as Goofy and Donald Duck have a performance. In addition, a mysterious character named "Strelitzia" can be seen, which is hardly known anyway. The technology of the game is based on the modern Unreal Engine 5.

07:40 Kingdom Hearts 4 announced in the new Anniversary trailer

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When does Kingdom Hearts 4 appear?

According to current information from Square Enix, Kingdom Hearts 4 is still in an early stage of development , so should not be able to expect a release in the near future. Maybe the fans have to be patient for a few years to the publication. Information about the release platforms does not exist yet. However, we assume that Kingdom Hearts 4 will appear at least for the PS5 and the Xbox Series X / S .

From André left author 11.04.2022 at 09:30


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