Polygon Forge, winner of a prize, has incredible cosplays

People Create NEXT LEVEL COSPLAY Costumes ▶2

Polygon Forge has spent thousands of hours and resources to create some of the best cosplays, winning television game prizes and being nominated for the best cosplay of the year. Regarding the number of cosplays of this Swiss game designer, she is in her fourth concept at the moment. In terms of quality, each of his cosplays was of premium level, his master chief inspired by Halo: fight Evolved to his incredible Anubis inspired by several characters. Polygon Forge is at the start of his cosplay career, but continues to make waves online and during events.

As its name suggests, Polygon Forge has perfectly designed its Cosplay Master Chief based on the original Halo title launched in 2001 for the original Xbox. With Halo Infinite outing next year, fans of the series will only have to watch Polygon Forge to see where we are before seeing where we are going. Although Master Chief is a faceless protagonist in Halo, Bungie and 343 industries have done an excellent job by showing emotion through the character's armor, and Polygon Forge does an excellent job by imitating these poses, angles, angles, angles, angles, angles, angles, angles, angles, angles, angles etc

When Halo Infinite had his first gameplay demo a few months ago, people complained about visual quality, but I think it is right to say that nobody complains about the quality of the Cosplay of Polygon Forge. Halo Infinite may have been delayed until 2021, but fans of the series still have cosplays like this to admire by then. Players who have only tried the Master Chief collection may not be familiar with the visuals dated from Halo: Combat Evolved, but Polygon Forge does an excellent job by recreating them in his Cosplay Master Chief.

Polygon Forge is currently working on a new cosplay based on Tyto The Swift from Motiga's Gigantic. Although it is still early in the design phase, the Tyto de Polygon Forge already looks great and it is apparently interchangeable with more relaxed clothes. The main costume itself is still a work in development, but the concept has already been well done using more occasional methods in the meantime.

Continue to see Tyto the Swift


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