The best abilities in the cult of the lamb

Cult of the Lamb has no shortage of improvement opportunities. From curses to an improvement in the crown-there are many options that will ultimately affect your gameplay. Below are some of our favorite abilities that you can unlock in the game.

The best rituals in the cult of the lamb

ritual of the generosity of the ocean

The ritual of the Ocean gift makes a rare fish more affordable, and also doubles the amount of fish available for fishing for three days. Although this may not seem so big, it is one of the best rituals for unlocking, because, unlike the crop ritual, the effects of the ritual of ocean generosity cannot be imitated with the help of improving the commune.

The ritual of the gifts of the ocean can be found in the form of level III update in food Category.

The funeral

Compared to the Ritual of the Resurrection, which costs 150 bones and reduces the faith of a pack by 10, the funeral is what is needed. This ritual allows you to conduct ceremonial services for dead members. Then living cultists can grieve on the grave to generate devotion.

If your followers believe in a sacrifice or an afterlife, this ritual goes well with increased faith.


Feasts maximize the hunger counter of the commune, and also provide an increase in faith. Either your commune is doomed to hunger, or you just haven’t lived for a long time so that at least somehow herbal oatmeal feast is a simple ritual that will save you from hungry pains and will help your followers be better about your leadership.

Best Crown Improvements in Cult of the Lamb

Darkness inside

When you have the first opportunity to choose an improvement in the crown, select Darkness Within, as this will give you sick heart at the beginning of each crusade. They are very useful, since every enemy on the screen loses health whenever he gets damage.

owl tings

If you have a painful heart, a good idea will unlock belief. This improvement gives you the opportunity to concentrate and return to the commune at any time during the Crusade, which will come in handy when the ancient gods begin to send diseases and hunger on the members of your cult. Later you will also find that you need to return to the Crusades to grow materials, which makes an easy escape especially pleasant.

Best Curses in the Cult of the Lamb

Divine Guard

The Divine Guard is no doubt the best curse in the game. When using it, it gives you two seconds of invulnerability and reflects any projectile sent by you back to your enemy. This is great for those moments when flamethrowers surround you, and you just need a second to understand yourself.


Four tentacles grow from a lamb in the shape of a cross, is it necessary to speak more?

Unlike Touch of Jurua or Passage of the Mariner, you do not need to worry about which direction you look when you activate this Curse, since multidirectional tentacles will destroy everything that they come across in the way.


hounds of fate

This curse sends homing shells that always amaze your enemies. If you are a player who fights aiming or often loses the lamb among the hordes of enemies, Hounds of Fate is a great curse to get out of difficult situations.

Divine blizzard

Like Divine Guardian, Divine Blizzard-a great curse, if you just need a little more time. This curse not only throws enemies from you, but also freezes them so that you can prevail.

Oath of Crown

The oath of the crown is an attack by close combat, which can master enemies affected by a curse. Use possession in your interests, and you can easily destroy entire rooms of enemies.

Looking for more Cult of the Lamb content in games for professionals? Check is it worth it to fix the lighthouse in the lamb cult?


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